Below, we’ll explain what it means to recoat your commercial roof. We will discuss the frequency you should think about having your roof recoated, the benefits of recoating your commercial roof, and what the recoating process looks like.
Commercial Roof recoating is the application of a sealant or protective barrier membrane to the outer layer of your roofing system. Opting for this service as often as recommended for your specific roof system helps increase the durability, weather resistance, and lifetime of your commercial roof. The coating is typically applied in a liquid form using a fluid applied system and other specific tools depending on the roof system.
To answer this question, we take several factors into consideration. What material is your roof made of? What type of roof system is installed? What is the age of your roof? Size is also a factor when it comes to recoating your flat roof. Generally, larger roofs need to be recoated more frequently. We also like to understand the history of your roof. Roofs with regular standing water or ponding issues typically benefit from more frequent maintenance.
We mentioned above that the main reason to recoat your roof is the added layer of protection it provides. Roof coatings also help increase the efficiency of your roof and commercial building, as they are designed to reflect sunlight and heat rather than absorb it. Roof coatings will extend the life of your roof when applied within a re-coating window. This will also extend the manufacturer’s warranty of roofing system when you follow the protocols for applying roof coatings in the recommended time frames.
Our steps to recoating are to first wash the roof, second prime the roof, and then apply the new roof coatings. The time this take is totally driven by the size of the roof and the environment that we are working in.
When preparing for our arrival we ask that you make sure that you move cars, furniture, and other objects away from the work area. There is a potential of overspray when applying coatings that may reach the surrounding perimeter.
If you notice a leak in your commercial roof, you’ll want to have the problem assessed and repaired prior to applying a seal coat.
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